Why Use This Blog?

For a medium that is relatively young, webcomic production is enormous. There are a lot of webcomics available, and they are easy to find. Google "Webcomic," and you'll hit about 5,000,000 sites that mention the word. Unfortunately, only a fraction of what is online is enjoyable to read. Finding the "good stuff" can be difficult and takes a considerable amount of time and patience.
This blog was created as a guide to finding good web comics. As a starting point for new readers, it features links to great comics and tips on how to search for the good comics on your own. I also review comics that I come across in my own search for the best that webcomics have to offer.

A note: this is not a guide to publishing a webcomic. I suggest reading the FAQ of a good webcomic artist for information about how-to, or visiting this tutorial.

Also, this is not a literary review of webcomics. For a literary review, see the Webcomics Examiner.

I now update on Sundays.

March 28, 2007

When I Am King

When I Am King
R (And I Mean That!)

When I Am King is a webcomic classic. It has been noted by some of the greats of comics, including Mr. Understanding Comics, Scott McCloud.

The art is an enhanced stick-figure theme, and it is "silent." But the whole site is slick. This is the first comic I had ever encountered that used the computer format to its advantage. Flash is used in some places, as are computer-illustrated scenes. For the most part, though, the frames are static. This doesn't keep the comic from being interactive. To read the comic, you must scroll frame by frame. Sometimes you must scroll up, sometimes forward, sometimes down, sometimes a combination of all three. The anticipation created simply by scrolling is almost rediculous.

As for the story, an Egyptian king goes out for a walk, loses his loincloth, and must find a new one so that his guards will recognize him. It sounds simple, but the artist managed to shove in full-on nudity, sex, beastiality, drug use and child abuse. You won't believe how graphic stick people can be.

The comic is finished, and takes maybe an hour to read. I have no complaints to add, but I want to reiterate: SEX! NUDITY! DRUGS! BEASTIALITY! If you have a problem with any of these, don't read this comic!

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