Why Use This Blog?

For a medium that is relatively young, webcomic production is enormous. There are a lot of webcomics available, and they are easy to find. Google "Webcomic," and you'll hit about 5,000,000 sites that mention the word. Unfortunately, only a fraction of what is online is enjoyable to read. Finding the "good stuff" can be difficult and takes a considerable amount of time and patience.
This blog was created as a guide to finding good web comics. As a starting point for new readers, it features links to great comics and tips on how to search for the good comics on your own. I also review comics that I come across in my own search for the best that webcomics have to offer.

A note: this is not a guide to publishing a webcomic. I suggest reading the FAQ of a good webcomic artist for information about how-to, or visiting this tutorial.

Also, this is not a literary review of webcomics. For a literary review, see the Webcomics Examiner.

I now update on Sundays.

May 5, 2007


Hello, loyal reader! (Mom...)

This blog was created as an assignment for my Professional Writing class. My professor feels it is necessary to be comfortable writing for internet audiences if one wants to write for a living. The assignment was to create an informative blog that targets a specific audience.

I chose webcomics. Comics I love in general, as a medium that meshes words and pictures to create a startlingly fluent way to absorb information. Webcomics I adore, as my first real introduction to what comics can be and how varied the genres and art really are. I thought, what is better than a blog that can help out readers new to the medium? And so, Webcomics Weeder is here.

Because I was only allowed to update after a grading cycle, and only with the Prof's permission, I did not update regularly. Then I became bogged down with assignments. Now I am in Finals Week, and have no time for anything but studying and writing. After Finals, I'll be off to France for two weeks, and will not return until the end of May. My blog has been forced to simmer on a back burner.

But I will not let it simmer there forever. Beginning June 2, I will be posting reviews twice a week: Mondays and Fridays. In between, if I find interesting news pertaining to webcomics I'll make a post.

I would love to get suggestions for comics to read. I've read quite a few, but I'm always looking for something new.

Though I'm not an ambitious blogger, I hope this blog does help out people who are slopping through piles of webcomics. Happy reading, and I'll be back in June!